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Artclass Artist Vegan Brush

Brush for a better environment

7.00USD ― ―
1.00 Kg

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Product information

Country of origin / manufacturer

Volume or Weight *Artist Vegan Powder Fan Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Face Point Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Multi Blender Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Defined Blender Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Multi Shadow Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Eye Smudge Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Eye Point Brush 1ea* Artist Vegan Eye Detail Brush 1ea*Artist Vegan Pocket Powder Brush 1ea The main specification of the item. for all skin types
Expired date and Maximum period of use - How to use -
Manufacturer or manufaturing company Manufacturer: Hansol Cosmetics Co., Ltd. / Manufacturer and Distributor: Too Cool for School Co., Ltd. The country of manufacture korea
The component and ingredient of the item *Artist Vegan Powder Pan Brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum

*Artist Vegan Face Point Brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum

*Artist Vegan Multi Blender Brush 1ea
Brush hair : Artificial hair, Handle : Wood (ash wood)

*Artist Vegan Define Blender Brush 1ea
Brush hair : Artificial hair, Handle : Wood (ash wood)

*Artist Vegan Multi Shadow Brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum

*Artist Vegan Eye Smudge Brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum

*Artist Vegan Eye Point Brush 1ea
Brush hair : Artificial hair, Handle : Wood (ash wood)

*Artist Vegan Eye Detail Brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum *Artist vegan pocket powder brush 1ea
Brush hair: Artificial hair, Handle: Wood (ash wood), Old tube: Aluminum
Have to or not certificate from MFDS, Ministry of Food and Drug safety. Not applicable
Notice of the using - Quality guaranteed -
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